- DOT Approved VoIP from A Class ISP s in India under resellership
- Dialer Free with DOT Approved VoIP on retail & unlimited plans
- Vicidial Soft Dialer Consulting Services @ 1700 INR/Hr
- Recruitment Dialer Software,starting @ 5000 INR
- Click to Call / Web Call Back Services
- Voice SMS / Call Blasting Services
- Trxibox/Asterisk Now Consulting Services

Predictive dialeranemptytextllineOnly vendors across the planet to offer hardwre/software based Dialers / IVR / CTI / CRM / Bandwidth / PRI Card Solutions under single roof.
DOT Approved VoIP MinutesanemptytextllineA Class ISP premium routes at best rates under bulk buy program with/without bundled Dialer packages and tailor made models.
Dry / Wet Leasing SolutionsanemptytextllineAvyukta Team expert in leasing solutions enabling customers to lease out unoccupied shifts and centers on dry/wet leases.
IVR SolutionsanemptytextllineCustomized tailor made solutions starting form 1000 INR/hr with cost effective and affordble modules depending on end clients requirement set.
CRM SolutionanemptytextllineCustomised tailor made CRM and Integration solutions starting form 400 INR/hr with cost effective and affordable modules depending on end clients requirement set.
Outbound IVRanemptytextllineOutbound Call Centers using an Outbound IVR Solution are different than predictive dialers or robo calls. Telemarketing companies utilize predictive dialers to get in touch with as many end users as possible.
Vicidial - Go autodial - Trix Box - Elastix - Asterisk - IP PBX Support / ConsultancyanemptytextllineIf the client has a Dialer and just needs support , then either client can get Dialer support or pay us on an hourly basis